
Try them it at any time of the day

Panigaccio is a typical bread without yeast, cooked in special red-hot terracotta “testi” over high heat .

Simply by local flour, water and salt, we get a batter that, when cooked, has a crunchy texture with a unique taste.

How to cook

Panigaccio can be enjoyed in several different ways: as a main dish or a delicious snack.
As a snack, just reheat them in the oven or on a hot plate and fill with cold meats, cheeses, jams and hazelnut cream. As a first course, bring to the boil some salted water and soak them for 2-3 minutes, turn off the heat; drain and toss with pesto, mushroom sauce, meat sauce or oil and grana cheese.

Le nostre novità:

Panigacci con farina di farro della Garfagnana

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